Whether you are launching a brand new site or relaunching an old one, you want to launch it with a bang and let the whole world know.
Below I have Outlined 11 Tactics to announce the launch of your new website and get tons of targetted visitors. As an organic SEO consultant and PR specialist, I have used these tactics to great success for a lot of clients of mine.
Guest post on an Authority site
Works with New as well as Redesigned sites
If you have launched a new website or redesigned existing one, guest posting is something you should definitely do.
What is the guest posting I hear you asking?
Well, Guest posting is writing a post for someone else’s blog. The host gets new content for its readers while the guest blogger gets access to the host’s audience.
By sharing your knowledge with the reader, you win their trust (Like I am trying to do here with this post). In the main content and in the author bio, you link to your site so that readers can visit your new site
Even if your site has not launched yet, you can still link to your site with a landing page on it to collect their emails.
Guest blogging will not only help you a reach a huge and engaged audience pretty fast but it will also help you rank your site higher in Google
When you post on others’ sites, you get backlinks from their site and backlinks are the number 1 ranking factor in Google.
And as you might know, ranking higher in Google brings the most targeted customers.
This is why Business spending on SEO is about to reach $80 billion by 2020.
Appear on Podcasts
Works with New as well as Redesigned sites
If you listen to any business podcasts, you might have noticed how the hosts bring in new experts to interview regularly.
And a lot of times, these experts have a new book coming out or they have recently launched a new product or a new business.
By sharing with you insights, these people not only win your trust but also promote their new website in a non-salesy way.
You can appear on podcasts too which your target customers listen to, share with them some insights, and announce the launch of your new site.
You will get a highly engaged group of customers flocking to your site.
This, too helps you establish yourself and your brand as thought leaders in your market.
Also Read: Link Building Outreach Lessons
Pay Influencers in your niche to Reach their followers
Works with New as well as Redesigned sites
Paying online influencers to promote your brand, product, service, website, etc is called Influencer Marketing.
Over the last decade, it has surged in popularity as you can see in this google trends graph.

The reason behind this is the Huge ROI companies are getting from influencer marketing.
More and more people are consuming content produced by bloggers and YouTubers instead of traditional sources of content like the TV and newspaper.
TV and newspapers have huge overheads which is reflected in their advertising rates, however, influencers have little to no overhead and therefore provide a better bang for your buck while providing the same reach. It is one of the best ways to do a new website announcement.
After all the purpose of a website to attract visitors from Google and turn them into customers.
Post on the blog and Email your Subscribers to share the News
Works with Redesigned sites
If you have redesigned your website, you can write a blog post detailing why you did it, what new features have you added to the website and how they benefit the users and readers.
You can then email your email subscribers telling them about the redesign and asking them to come and read the post. You can use a tool like moosend for mailing your email subscribers.
This way your users will get immediate value from the new design which is beneficial for both you and your customers.
Share on your Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin pages
Works with Redesigned sites
Sharing on social media is pretty common advice but it does not mean it is not important.
If you have a considerable number of followers on any platform be it facebook, twitter or linkedin, you must post about the redesign at least 3 times over the span of a week so that you can reach most of your followers and announce the launch of your website effectively.
Ask your team to share the News
Works with New as well as Redesigned sites
After you launch your new site, you want to share it with as many people as possible right?
Why not take the help of your team and ask them to share it on the social profile they are the most active on.
An added benefit is when your website gets shared around social networks, google sees that and gives you a little SEO boost.
Make sure to use eye catching visuals along with the social media posts to catch the attention of the users.
Create an offer so they have to visit the site
Works with Redesigned sites
If you already have some email subscribers & want to encourage them to visit your redesigned website, you can create an offer and email them about it.
Offers like the following work great:
- X% discount store Wide
- Free shipping on all orders placed by midnight
- X% discount code in exchange for 2 paragraph about New site
Make a video showcasing the new features of your site and post on youtube
Works with Redesigned sites
There is no better medium to show off your new wares than Video.
A video is way more engaging than text and gets your point across faster.
The best way to use video to announce your new website is by showing in the video:
- How your website Looked before
- How your website looks now
- What motivated you launch/redesign the site
- New features that you have launched and how they help the user. For example: Translating to a new language, new products etc
- Reviews from some beta testers about the new site.
Thanks to the Gig economy, what would have cost you thousands of dollars till a few years back will cost you just a few hundred bucks to have a kick-ass video with voiceover.
All you need to do then is post the video on your Youtube Channel and promote it using the other tactics mentioned in the post.
Submit your site
Works with New as well as Redesigned sites
If you are a startup, you can submit your new site or redesigned website as Version 2 on Product Hunt, Betalist, and Hacker News.

These are upvote based sites like Reddit where users upvote sites/products/services which they find exciting.
If enough people on these sites find your site and what it does unique, you can get thousands of visitors and users in a day.
There are many smaller sites like the ones above from where you can pick up new customers when you launch your new site.
You can outsource the tedious task of submitting to these smaller sites with startuplister for a small fee.
The team at Liveagent submitted their software to product hunt and were voted the number one product of the day. This sent a lot of visitors to their site.
Do a Press release and get publicity
Works with New as well as Redesigned sites
If you have launched a brand new site then press releases are one of the most cost-effective ways to get publicity & earn backlinks.
But unlike the good old’ days, boring and dull press releases don’t make the cut anymore. They get thrown into the trash before you can blink your eyes.
Reporters today don’t want to read a press release. They want to read a Story.
For that, you need a hook, interesting angle, and eye-catching headline.
Once you have your press release ready, publish it on your company’s blog as a blog post.
Anything else is just an inconvenient patchwork of email strings, phone calls, and DropBox links.
You can then include this blog URL in your pitches to the reporters. It is hard and tedious work and you better hire a freelancer to do it.
Never use Press release distribution services though. They distribute the news to dummy sites and not real news sites. You will get all these fancy graphs and reports but the ROI is negligible.
Collect leads in advance to have a Successful Launch
Works with New Sites
If you are launching a new site, chances you will be talking about it online even before it is ready for launch.
When you do this, people end up visiting your site.
You can put up a landing page to get email addresses from these people in exchange for being the first to know when you launch.
You will be surprised by how many people end up giving their email.
All you need is a good looking landing page in place which tells the people what your product/service is, how it is unique, and how it helps solve a particular problem.
Robinhood, a stock trading app, was able to bag over a million users even before its launch.

This was the simple landing page that helped them do this.
Use a tool like thrive leads to create a great landing page and capture the leads and use an email marketing platform like Getresponse to send emails to your leads.